I'm on my summer vacation.  So I could go to cram school every evening. The week before last I went to Athina’s class, during break time my classmate Ben recommend me to go to a new teacher’s class that is interesting and the teacher’s intonation is great! So I agreed with him then I have been to his class since last Monday. That teacher’s name is Jim. He is really funny and humorous. I really enjoyed Jim’s class. His teaching style is like an American way, he didn’t prepare any materials for us, you can feel relax and free on his class. At first class he asked us to do some role plays, teacher told us don’t think you were acting and don’t think your classmates were audience otherwise you would feel really nervous when you were acting, he didn’t let us to practice first, if he did it, it was really like a performance. So that’s why Jim wanted us just thought it happened now suddenly then just did it. Sometimes he would asked us some questions we needed to answer the question directly don’t care everything too much just answer it. It trains your reaction a lot!

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  • May 30 Sun 2010 15:35
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ning1023 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I love any kind of detective programs.
I think it's intersting and they will stimulate your brain.

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 My favorite movie is "The parent trip"

The movie talks about a couple devorced.One child lives with their mother,the other lives with their father.They're twins.

ning1023 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Sth makes me diffrence this year!

I met a person who  studies at the same cram school with me.

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